During a Quantum Feedback Session, an assessment of the body’s energy field is made using a sophisticated software and wave generator instrument. This assessment identifies stress responses in the body (over 7,000) based on the frequency patterns. The instrument then generates a unique set of frequencies that interacts with the body’s energy to support and stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms and create an environment of health.
The Quantum Feedback Instrument can identify and treat indications in over 39 categories: (i.e.) Allergies, Aging, Bones, Brain, Chromosomes, Genes, Circulation, Dental, Digestive, Detox profile, Ears/Eyes, Emotional profile, Hormone profile, Iridology, Lymph, Muscles, Nerves, Neuro-Emotional, Animals/Pet profiles, Respiratory, Sinus/Throat, Spinal, Sports Injuries, Urinary, Vitamins/Mineral profiles.
Electromagnetic energy travels at the speed of light, 130,200,000 miles per second.
Each cell in the body operates at a certain vibrational frequency. An adult human has over 100 trillion cells. Each cell holds over 6 gigabytes of memory.
There are at least six billion steps of DNA in a single cell that records one’s life blueprint. These unique energy patterns begin at conception.
Together these frequencies form an energy pattern unique to each individual. It is your personal distinctive “thumbprint” or “address” in the universe.
Every human thought, emotion, and action has a unique vibrational energy pattern.
Viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, diseases, etc. All have resonant energy patterns.